Typewriter & Kindness Note
On Being,  The Kitchen Sink

Kindness, always.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

~ Aesop ~

Every day there are events on this planet that make my heart-break.  And every day there are events on this planet that make my heart heal.  

We are capable of so much destruction and pain; but we are equally (if not more capable) of so much kindness and love.  And it doesn’t have to be earth shattering.  We don’t need to be martyrs or heroes.  We don’t need to be “noteworthy” or famous in order for our acts of goodwill to have lasting impacts.

In fact, I believe that kindness can come in the simplest of forms – a scrap of paper in fact. Be it a sticky note, or a torn receipt.  A chunk of card board, or a heart felt letter.  It doesn’t require money or education, a pretty face or any sort of social status to show a little kindness to your fellow human.

So if you ever feel at a loss as to how we will navigate the unknown or tackle the heartbreaks; if you ever feel a bit worn around the edges like a tattered torn piece of paper, trust that the simplest acts of kindness will heal all of us, and that it is enough. Trust that when we act with compassion and kindness, even a humble tattered and torn piece of paper can shake worlds for those who need a gentle reminder that there is so much good in this world.

We must be ambassadors of kindness in this world that needs more softness around the edges. We must hold onto the belief that simple acts add up to global change. The world will become a kinder place as we diligently seek out opportunities to show some compassion – as simple an act as it may be.

Keep doing all that you do to spread kindness in your corner of the world. It truly matters.

Best Regards,

analogue kate

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