Vintage Postcards In Boxes
Creativity,  The Kitchen Sink

Postcard No. 6 – Relish The Unexpected

“Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”― Ibn Battuta

There are some things that cannot be explained. You search your brain and your heart and come up short for reason. Like when I walked into a museum and was moved to tears by a live organ demo.

I scoured the landscape of my memories to unearth the why, perhaps so I could know how to stop it, or maybe so I could better understand myself, while my children looked on at their mother with concern. I’d like to say this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened to me, but that would be a lie.

Even in the car, alone with my thoughts, a song will come on the radio and I will have to switch channels so that my eyes remain clear enough to see the road. Lyrics can strike a deep chord in me.

The demonstration was only 30 minutes and I don’t know enough about organs to know if it was even a “good” performance, but I know what I felt. I guess one could argue that unexpected tears, just like unanticipated laughter, are a result of staying open to what may come.

Life will hand us ups and downs, sorrow and joy. But when we can allow these moments to unfold, without a need to control or force, we discover more opportunities to feel resonance with the world beyond words.

🎥 watch a clip of the performance here.

From time to time, I’ll be sharing stories from my travels. They will be a collection of “postcards” from the road. Unlike my other work, these posts will not be essays. Rather, they will be un-edited on-the-go reflections made while staring out car windows, waiting in airport terminals, or enjoying a meal of new and exciting flavors. I hope you enjoy this slight detour in our journey together!

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