Embarassed Boy
On Being,  The Kitchen Sink

Facing Ego Head On!

It sometimes amazes me that any of us are able to hold onto ego.

Maybe your life’s played out differently. But for me at least, when I’m feeling rather “high on my horse,” the universe usually taps me on the shoulder (or clobbers me over the head) and reminds me that I still have a lot to learn.

Sometimes I’m able to laugh at myself rather quickly. Other times it can take real effort to find the humor. Either way, at the heart of these moments is a bruised ego.

Not just the ego that has to do with feeling rather pompous about ones self, but also the ego that makes us feel separate, rigid, and isolated.

In truth, I should probably feel grateful for those moments that make me blush (or curse). 

Falling from grace is never comfortable. In truth, it makes good sense that we shy away from reminders of our flaws. But those are the moments that are drenched with opportunities. 

Opportunities for finding our way through struggle and challenge, all the way through to the other side, where we can look back and genuinely feel grateful for having gone through the experience.

A supported ego may be comfortable, but there’s also a reason this quote is so popular:

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Neale Donald Walsch

2020 has been a year when our comfort zones have been challenged in intense and lasting ways. Perhaps it’s an opportunity to confront our egos – both kinds – and consider their role in our lives.

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